Today was my last day at Hogar, my last day with my favorite class. I came prepared for the class period but not for the emotional damage it was going to cause me. 

I spent the period playing a review game and then, before class ended, I asked them if they would mind listening for a few minutes to something I had to say. I'd created chaos with the review game, so this wasn't a simple request. One boy who I always loved but I hadn't realized cared very much (Juan Esteban) picked up on what was going on and yelled out, 'Hey! Guys! Shut up, it's her last day!' 

Eventually they were all sitting quietly and looking at me attentively, and I tried not to get choked up. 

'Thank you all for giving me a little bit of your time. I just wanted to say that...I know it's not always fun to learn another language. I remember when I was thirteen and learning Spanish in school, SO bored, thinking, why would I want to learn grammar in another language? I hate grammar in my OWN.

And then when I was sixteen, I went on a trip to Mexico, and when I was there, there were people all around me speaking Spanish, and I wanted to understand what they were saying. 

That's when I realized that language isn't just something you learn in school. It's real. It's a real skill that allows you to speak with other people. It lets you understand other minds, other cultures.  And it can only help you in your life. 

I know David wants to learn French and Portuguese. That's amazing, and you should all study whatever languages you're passionate about. But I recommend English. English, these days, is everywhere. The whole world is learning it, and it is the language of business. 

If I hadn't learned Spanish, I wouldn't be here today and I wouldn't be able to talk to you all. So please continue to study English, if it interests you at all. Because it could change your life.' 

I told them all how much it had meant to me to be their teacher and I gave them chocolate bars I'd bought for each of them. 

They all screamed thank you and then they each wanted to take pictures with me, individually. 'One with just me! Kiss me on the cheek! Okay Antonio now take one of me kissing her!' 

Tatiana came up and gave me a hug and said, 'Please don't go.'

Eventually I found myself sitting on the grass by the playground, outside the classroom, just staring. Juan Esteban came outside and sat next to me. 

I had never talked to any of the students about their situation before. I asked, 'Do you live here?'

'Yeah,' he said. 

'I don't have a family.'

OCT. 18

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Octubre 2013

